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Zamek w Krasiczynie. Widok z lotu ptaka.

Rynek w Przemyślu w blasku ulicznych latarni. Zwiedzanie Przemyśl.

Stare Miasto w Przemyślu z lotu ptaka.

Zamek w Krasiczynie. Widok z lotu ptaka.
The Mysteries of Przemysl
The Mysteries of Przemysl in a Nutshell
An historical trail, older than the Egyptian pyramids?
What is a bear doing in the town market place?
How did it come about that one of the greatest magical treasures of Europe is to be found in Przemysl?
How and why was it that so much was known in Rome about Przemysl before the ages?
And what about the martyrion (a shrine to martyrs), iin other words, the Roman rotunda?
Do the bodies of Bruno of Querfurt and eighteen martyrs from the 18th century actually lie there?
There are many more secrets! This town can’t hide them anymore!
We will reveal them to you, and we will have good fun in the process!
We invite you to take a walk around a town full of historical trails older than the Egyptian pyramids.
The Old Town filled with the quiet contemplation of monumental churches (The Carmelites and The Franciscans), quaint little tenement buildings that remember the town’s Renaissance splendour
The Castle Hill and Kazimierz Castle - with great views from the bastions, and dungeons (Tickets: Normal - 4 PLN, Reduced/Student/OAP – 2 PLN)
The Roman-catholic Arch-see Cathedral and its crypts
Climbing the Cathedral Tower (an unforgettable viewing platform)
The Greek-catholic Arch-see Cathedral
The town’s underground passages from the 17th century – a continual drainage system (Tickets: Normal – 4 PLN, Reduced – 2 PLN)
Length of Tour: 3 hours
Price: 1hr - 240 PLN